Post by Fatal Rewind on Mar 21, 2023 13:52:30 GMT -5
I'll admit with the word having "liver" in it that this might not sound very appetizing (a lot of people in general don't like liver).
However, if you like breakfast sausage, then you'll probably like liverwurst. It's got a bit of protein in it too.
Also, if you have trouble giving dogs pills, some vets suggest putting them in liverwurst. That's what got me into it, when my mom got it for one of our last dogs. It doesn't even have to be cooked. I looked at it for a bit, then tried frying a bit of it in a pan for a few minutes on each side (again, just like frying up breakfast sausage). Good stuff!
Any other fans here?
Post by freehugs on Mar 21, 2023 14:13:48 GMT -5
4 threads about liver in one week lol and I'm still not ready.
Post by Fedora the Explorer on Mar 21, 2023 14:19:21 GMT -5
I'll have to try it.
Post by ThtGyWhoWearsEyelinr on Mar 21, 2023 17:22:01 GMT -5
Not sure how I feel about internal organs, but I'll have to try it one day
Post by Sei Soldier on Mar 21, 2023 17:22:22 GMT -5
Does it still come in a tube or can?
Post by God is Love on Mar 21, 2023 18:26:03 GMT -5
How does it taste on Ritz?
Post by PurpleBlast on Mar 22, 2023 6:28:48 GMT -5
I will pass on the liver.
Post by Sincerity on Mar 22, 2023 6:29:09 GMT -5
They need to rename it to liverbest and maybe I'll try it.
Post by Mountain Reader on Mar 22, 2023 6:57:37 GMT -5
I'm up for trying it.
Post by Yankeefan1955 on Mar 22, 2023 6:58:02 GMT -5
Yes and no. I liked it when I Had it, but haven't had it in a long time. I don't leave the apartment much.
Post by Mr. White on Mar 22, 2023 7:32:19 GMT -5
You younger ones need to try it.
Post by SiuHBKyle on Mar 22, 2023 8:05:29 GMT -5
Good for pets, not for me.
Post by Volunteer Firefighter on Mar 22, 2023 8:05:50 GMT -5
It's ok once in a while. Otherwise, hurts my gut.
Post by Grandpa Redwood on Mar 22, 2023 9:34:09 GMT -5
One must have an exquisite pallat. Nom nom.
Post by Tim05 on Mar 22, 2023 9:40:43 GMT -5
I used to LOVE this stuff as a kid!!! Would eat on toast a lot, or on Ritz crackers, or fry it up in a pan. Me and my sister used to argue about who got to eat the bit on the end when you had to cut the little tube open. Our dogs always absolutely loved it too.
I haven't had it in over 10 years I think, might have to go to the store and pick some up. It's pretty unhealthy though, a ton of fat and calories.