As the thread had not had a reply outside of yourself and Ryan in the House in a month and a half, it is a safe assumption that that bolded text above is incorrect. No one else was interested in the discussion besides yourself and 1 other member. I would recommend moving your discussion to a private message, as it was only a conversation between two people.
That may or may not be the case, but there may be people, even those who are averse to the truth, who are interested in the subject matter or who may become interested in the subject matter.
What is wrong with a thread being an exchange between two members?
At some point others might be compelled to join in.
There may be those who are hesitant about expressing their opinions because they've observed how those with opinions that differ from the presumed consensus are ostracized.
There may be members who enjoy learning historical facts even if they are less inclined to participate in the exchange.
If this forum is truly interested in diversity, in being tolerant of all points a view and wants to give all of its members an opportunity to express themselves, to share their opinions and what they know, then asking members that you don't necessarily agree with to accept being pushed to the margins and to be excluded from participating in public exchanges, undermines that claim of inclusiveness.
What harm could possibly come from a simpleton sharing their opinions supported by historical facts and data?
If nothing else, it helps those that are not simpletons, presumably like yourself, to recognize those who are.
It seems to me that the best way to expose a fool is to allow the fool to demonstrate how foolish they are for all to see instead of trying to silence them.
I'm nearly certain that if you were the one who had done the research and wanted to share the facts with the group that you might wonder about the intentions of a staff that suggests that you instead only communicate via PM.
Making an assertions like, "
At one point, the census shows, the number of enslaved Africans actually usurped the number of free whites" is as easy to post as it is disturbing to read...But is the statement as fact actually true?
Researching into what the actual census showed and finding the statement utterly false takes more time.
Sending a private message to the person who posted the erroneous assertion rather than posting the evidence publicly allows the false statement to stand and assumed to be accurate.
I've always felt that most people prefer to base their opinions on facts, but I'm beginning to think otherwise.
The only way to chip away at generally accepted falsehoods is to present the facts and the data and hope that people will employ their own reasoning to determine if the presumed consensus of opinion is congruent or not with the reality.
Why would any genuinely honest person object to that?